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CM/ECF Recent Changes

CM/ECF Release 5.3.3 Information

The Eastern District of Virginia Bankruptcy Court  upgraded the CM/ECF system to Release 5.3.3 on May 23, 2020. To familiarize yourself with the changes associated with this release, the document is accessible on the internet web site’s CM/ECF Release 5.3 Notes page.  CM/ECF Release 5.3.3 is designed to primarily accommodate changes to the Pay.Gov online payment system. Those making use of any commercial software petition preparation vendor’s products should ensure that the vendor will make available timely updates necessary to support CM/ECF Release 5.3.3, as of January 1, 2019.


CM/ECF Release 5.1.1 Information

The Eastern District of Virginia Bankruptcy Court  upgraded the CM/ECF system to Release 5.1.1 on December 1, 2015. To familiarize yourself with the changes associated with this release, please review the CM/ECF Release 5.1.1 Notes page. 


CM/ECF Release 5.0 & 5.1 Information

The Eastern District of Virginia Bankruptcy Court  upgraded the CM/ECF system to Release 5.0 & 5.1 effective April 22, 2013.  To familiarize yourself with the changes associated with this combined release, please review the Release 5.0 Notes & Release 5.1 Notes for PACER Users.

In addition, the following summary document of new features for external users is available for review:

VAEB CM/ECF Release 5.0 and 5.1 Summary of New Features for External Users

CM/ECF Electronic Learning Modules

The Training Branch of the IT Systems Deployment and Support Division of the Administrative Office of the U. S. Courts has created Electronic Learning Modules (ELMs).  They are intended to acquaint users with some of the enhancements that are available with the new release.  The ELMs, however, are not intended to cover every possible activity and are subject to customization.  Each ELM is a short lesson covering a specific CM/ECF topic and is designed to be taken at the user’s own pace.

Claims Register Attorney (6:47 min.)

PDF Training Documents

Claims Register Attorney