Requests for Copies
Effective with the implementation of Bankruptcy CM/ECF Release 4.1, and pursuant to a Privacy Policy amendment approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States, there is a restriction on public access to certain documents through PACER. In any bankruptcy case that was filed prior to December 1, 2003, and which has been closed for more than one year, documents no longer are available to the general public. The docket report still can be viewed; however, only individual, ECF case participants can access these restricted documents in their cases. These affected documents also are available for viewing from public access computers in each division of the Clerk’s Office.
Paper-Based Closed Case Files
General bankruptcy case files are retained by the court for a 15‐year interval. Presently, most of the 1970‐1995 bankruptcy case files have been destroyed in accordance with their approved records disposition authority (N1‐578‐11‐001, in accordance with 44 USC § 3303). National Archives can be reached at 1‐866‐272‐6272. The Federal Records Centers can be reached via email at:
You must request the document/case file through the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Philadelphia, PA by filling out the request form and sending to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), by e-mail, fax or standard mail. You will need to provide NARA with three numbers – accession (transfer) number, box number and location number. Click here to gain access to the request form.
Electronic-Based Closed Cases Filed Before December 1, 2003
If your case has been closed for more than a year, documents can be viewed only by case participants with a CM/ECF login or may be viewed at the public computer terminals in the Courthouses. You may request copies from the Clerk’s Office pursuant to its copy request form, located here.
Electronic-Based Closed Cases Filed on or After December 1, 2003
These cases are available on the PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) web site. The PACER web site has training documents to show you how to look up information. You can receive same day access by clicking here. There is a current charge of $.10 per page.