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Gov Delivery

govDelivery Email Notification and Delivery Service

govDelivery Email Notification and Delivery Service

Current Participation CM/ECF Users

How govDelivery Works

To Sign up, Change, or Cancel your Email Subscription

govDelivery Email Notification and Delivery Service

The Court is offering a new free email subscription service to the public and Bar through govDelivery. This national service permits subscribers to receive email notifications from the Court under the topic “VAEB Announcements.” The use of this service allows the Court to reach a broader audience when new information becomes available for dissemination. It also permits the public and Bar to be better and timelier informed of the Court’s program and service offerings.

Current Participation CM/ECF Users

The Court’s participant CM/ECF users have been enrolled automatically in govDelivery and, as announced, will receive CM/ECF system updates, systems status, Public Notices , and other information via govDelivery. The Court’s previous ECF Broadcast Email method has been discontinued. Email notifications now are being be sent through the govDelivery email service. Important Note: This change in delivering email notifications does not affect Notices of Electronic Filing (NEF), which will continue to be sent directly from CM/ECF.

How govDelivery Works

The govDelivery Communications Cloud is a web-based solution that monitors web sites for content updates and automatically generates email alerts when changes are detected on designated Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy internet web site web pages. Email alerts go directly to subscribers. As needed, emails also can be sent manually by the Court to subscribers at any time.

To Sign up, Change, or Cancel your Email Subscription

If you currently have an email address, that is sufficient to subscribe to the govDelivery email notification service. To subscribe, change a subscription, or cancel a subscription, click the following link: Click here to sign up.