Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Standing Order 23-9 – Conforming Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules 2016-1, 2090-1, 3015-2, 3070-1, 5005-1, 5005-2 and 9022-1; Amendment to Exhibit 1 Conforming to Local Bankruptcy Rules 2016-1 and 3015-2; Conforming Amendment to Exhibit 13 (E) Interim Procedure 3016-1; and Conforming Amendment to Exhibit 14 Form of: Certification of Qualifying Government Employment under Local Bankruptcy Rule 2090-1(E)(4)(a). Standing Order 23-9 is effective as of June 1, 2023. See the Order and attachment, which is incorporated by reference in the Order.
[Read Standing Order 23-9 PDF]