Effective October 1, 2022, the Court has adopted a revision to the Local Bankruptcy Rules regarding amended Local Bankruptcy Rule 3011-1, Unclaimed Funds. As set forth in the Comments following the Rule:
This rule is substantially rewritten and sets forth new requirements and references forms for filings applications for payment of unclaimed funds. These requirements and forms apply both to parties without an attorney and parties who must be represented by legal counsel. Additional required payee information forms, as referenced in paragraph (I), are accessible at the Court’s internet website’s Unclaimed Funds web page. [Changes effective 10/01/2022.]
Current paragraph (A) is retained in the amended Rule while current paragraph (B) is repealed. New paragraphs (B) through (K), inclusive, are adopted as local rule provisions of the Court.
As of October 1, 2022:
(1) The Court’s internet website’s Unclaimed Funds webpage will be updated to conform to the requirements set forth in amended Rule 3011-1.
(2) The Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds, Form 1340 edva (05/22), will be placed on the Court’s internet website’s Forms webpage under the National Forms header for those forms that have been modified by the Court. A link to the form also will be added under the Case Administration – General header and in the updated Unclaimed Funds webpage.
(3) Two new CM/ECF dictionary event codes will be activated for use only by ECF registered filers: Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds, and Payee Information Form – Unclaimed Funds.
[Read Public Notice, Standing Order 22-14, and Amended LBR 3011-1]