Effective August 1, 2023, through the entry of Standing Order 23-16, Election of Compensation Method in Chapter 13 Cases under Local Bankruptcy Rule 2016-1(C), the Order requires counsel for debtors in chapter 13 cases to make use of Court form 2030CH13edva, “Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor in a Chapter 13 Case.” Footnote 1 in the Order, however, provides the following grace period as to the use of current Court Form 2030edva, as follows: “To afford attorneys sufficient time to transition to the use of the chapter 13-specific form, the Court will also accept disclosure of compensation by counsel for debtors in chapter 13 cases made on Form 2030edva, entitled “Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor,” until August 31, 2023.” The Order is accessible on the court’s internet website at https://www.vaeb.uscourts.gov, under the News & Announcements header, and the Standing Rules web page, under the District-Based Standing Orders header.
Monday, July 31, 2023