Effective November 1, 2022, the Court has adopted an amendment to CM/ECF Policy Statement 2(A)(1), by adding a new subparagraph (c), Electronic Proof of Claim (ePOC) Application Web Filing User. That subparagraph states:
“(c) Electronic Proof of Claim (ePOC) Application Web Filing User: The Court’s Electronic Proof of Claim (ePOC) application may be used by a claimant or claimant’s agent to file a Proof of Claim electronically in all chapters via the Court’s internet web home page. See the “E-Filing Proof of Claim” link located on that page, which includes instructions and related information for using this filing feature. No ECF registrant login or password is required to file a proof of claim in this manner.”
The above-referenced web page will be activated November 1, 2022, the date in which the attached Order takes effect. The updated CM/ECF Policy Statement will be placed on the Court’s internet website on that date, as well. The Order is accessible on the Court’s internet website’s Standing Orders page under the District-Based Standing Orders” header.