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NextGen Information

VAEB NextGen Is Here!

February 25, 2024

The planned maintenance on the NextGen CM/ECF system was completed successfully on 2/25/2024, and the system is fully operational.





The United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia (the Court) upgraded its Case Management/Electronic Case Filing System (CM/ECF) to the Next Generation of CM/ECF (NextGen) on March 21, 2022. This upgrade provides users with several benefits, including Central Sign-on and the ability for e-filing attorneys to access any NextGen court within which they practice using one login and password.

Central Sign-On allows all CM/ECF users to maintain one account across all NextGen courts (appellate, district, and bankruptcy) and to sign in one time to access all the courts in which they have permission to e-file. Each user is identified with the appropriate level of access in each court. The PACER Service Center supports outside user requests for attorney admissions and e-filing recognition for various courts. Courts continue to be responsible for admitting attorneys and assigning e-filing permissions to users. Attorneys are reminded that the Court’s attorney admission process pursuant to Local Bankruptcy Rule 2090-1, as further explained here, continues to apply.

In order to file with this Court, you must complete the steps listed under “NextGen Account Information.” Your PACER Account will be your login (entry point for both PACER and CM/ECF). Therefore, you must have access to an individual PACER Account.


PACER contact information:


What Attorneys Need to do to Use NextGen in the Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia <-- Click for a Flowchart

Your PACER and CM/ECF Account Screenshot <--

NextGen Account Information

Steps 1 - 3 should be completed BEFORE using CM/ECF in the Eastern District of Virginia.

1. Obtain your own PACER account:

Obtain your own individual PACER account, if you do not already have one.  Register for a new PACER account by clicking here. NOTE: Steps for registering for a new account are also shown below in the PACER section.

For consolidated billing and online account management, which excludes viewing and filing, firms or offices may consider using a PACER Administrative Account (PAA).
More Information on PACER Administrative AccountsNOTE: Steps for Administrative Accounts are also shown below in the PACER section.

2. Note your upgraded PACER username and password:

If you have your own individual PACER account and it was created prior to August 11, 2014 (also known as a Legacy account), you must upgrade your account before you can electronically file in a NextGen court.

Please see the learning aid here for instructions on how to upgrade your PACER account: Upgrade your PACER accountNOTE: Steps for Upgrading Accounts are also shown below in the PACER section.

3. Note your current CM/ECF username and password:

Note your current CM/ECF login and password. This is the login and password you currently use for filing. If you do not know your password, please contact the clerk's office for assistance.  You will need this information for step four.

4. Link your PACER and CM/ECF Accounts:

You must link your upgraded PACER account to your VAEB NextGen CM/ECF account. Users will NOT be able to file in NextGen until their CM/ECF account is linked to their upgraded individual PACER account.  Please see the link below for detailed instructions.
Linking your PACER and VAEB CM/ECF accounts NOTE: Steps for Linking your PACER and VAEB CM/ECF Accounts are also shown below in the PACER section.

***If you are unable to link your PACER Account to NextGen, please confirm that your CM/ECF filing privileges have not been suspended pursuant to Local Bankruptcy Rule 2090-1. Please go to for information regarding the requirements for admission to practice before the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.***


New Attorney Accounts

New Attorneys will be required to perform some steps in our training system prior to filing in our live system. In order to access to the training system users will have to go through the process of obtaining and linking their train-PACER accounts as described HERE.

Once  training has been completed to the court's satisfaction, please follow the directions HERE. You can also see how to register for a live PACER account by clicking HERENOTE: Steps for registering for a new PACER account are also shown below in the PACER section.



You must have your own PACER Account, which will be linked to your CM/ECF filing account once the court has implemented NextGen. Shared PACER accounts cannot be used by CM/ECF filers once the Court has upgraded.

Registering for a PACER account

In order to use NextGen, attorneys with individual CM/ECF accounts must have individual PACER accounts. Shared PACER accounts cannot be used by CM/ECF filers once the court has upgraded to NextGen. If you do not have your own PACER account, follow the steps below to register for an account.

New attorneys after March 21, 2022, need only a PACER Account, and not a separate CM/ECF filing account

  1. Go to
  2. Select Register for an Account.

  3. Select Attorney Filers for CM/ECF
  4. Click on Register for PACER account.
  5. Complete the Account Information form. Under User Type at the bottom of the form, select ATTORNEY.

    NOTE: If you work for a government agency, make the appropriate selection from the Government Accounts category.

  6. Complete User Verification.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Create a Username and Password; and select Security Questions. Click Next when finished.
  9. Enter the payment information to be saved.  This screen is optional.

    NOTE: Providing a credit card is optional.  If you would like to register without providing a credit card, click Next without entering any information on this screen.  For instant access to PACER, the credit card information will be validated.  There is no registration charge; however, the credit card will be charged quarterly for any fees incurred.  If you submit your registration request without providing credit card information, you will receive an activation code by U.S. mail in 7-10 business days.

  10. Check the box if you authorize the PACER Service Center to charge the above credit card once a quarter for any PACER fees due.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Read the policies and procedures and acknowledge by checking the box.

  13. Click Submit.

  14. The last screen will thank you for registering with the PACER service center.  If you already have a CM/ECF account with our court, please follow the instructions for linking your new PACER login with your CM/ECF credentials.

    For questions, please contact PACER at 800-676-6856.

Upgrading Your PACER Account

If you have your own individual PACER account and it was created prior to August 11, 2014 (also known as a Legacy account), you must upgrade your account before you can electronically file in a NextGen court.

  1. Go to
  2. Hover over Manage My Account.
  3. Click on Manage My Account Login.
  4. Click on Log in to Manage My Account.
  5. Enter username/password.


  6. Click Login.
  7. Click on the Upgrade Link next to the Account Type.

    Note: If the Account type lists “Upgraded PACER Account” there is no need to upgrade.
  8. Follow prompts to update/enter all necessary information in each tab.
    • Select ATTORNEY as your User Type at the bottom of the first screen. Click Next.
    • Complete the Address section. Click Next.
    • Create a NEW username and password at the Security screen. Click Submit.
  9. Upgrade Complete. Your personal information has been successfully changed and you now have an upgraded PACER account.

NOTE: You will no longer be able to use your old PACER username and password.
For questions, please contact PACER at 800-676-6856.

Linking a PACER account to NextGen

NOTE: This step is only necessary of you had a VAEB CM/ECF account prior to March 21, 2022.

Prior to filing, you must link your upgraded PACER account to your CM/ECF filing account. This is a one-time procedure unless you file in both the District Court and the Bankruptcy Court and then you must link each of your accounts to PACER. After linking your CM/ECF filing account to your PACER account, you will then use your PACER account when filing documents with the court. This may be referred to as your Central Sign On account.

  1. Click on the CM/ECF link on the Eastern District of Virginia’s website at or go to to access the Bankruptcy Court's CM/ECF site.
  2. Click on the Eastern District of Virginia– Document Filing System link.
    A picture containing graphical user interface</p>
<p>Description automatically generated
  3. You will be redirected to the PACER login page. Login with your upgraded PACER account (see instructions for Upgrading Your PACER Account, if necessary). Enter your Username and Password and select Login.
  4. Click on Utilities and select Link a CM/ECF account to my PACER Account.
  5. Enter your CM/ECF login and password. This is the court issued account you previously used for filing documents. If you do not know the information, you must contact the court to have the password reset.

    Hint: the CM/ECF login is typically the attorneys first and last initials in uppercase followed by the last 4 digits of his/her Social Security number e.g. CS5184

  6. Click Submit.
  7. Ensure that the CM/ECF and PACER names match.

    NOTE: After submitting this screen, your old e-filing credentials for your CM/ECF filing account will be permanently linked to your upgraded PACER account. Use your upgraded PACER account (CSO account) to e-file in this court. Your old CM/ECF login and password can no longer be used.
  8. Click Submit.
  9. A confirmation message will appear noting that the accounts are now linked. You will now use your PACER CSO account for filing documents in the Eestern District of Virginia CM/ECF system. 
  10. To proceed with e-filing at this time, refresh your browser and the Bankruptcy menu items will display. If the menu does not refresh, log out and then log back in again. Your account is now ready for filing documents.
    NOTE: You will now use your new PACER username and password to login to both PACER and NextGen CM/ECF.

PACER Administrative Accounts

Pacer Administrative Accounts

The PACER Service Center (PSC) has developed the PACER Administrative Account (PAA) to allow firms to manage all their PACER user accounts and allow for central billing for PACER access fees.

NOTE: The PAA will not allow you to access case information.

Federal Government Attorney

In order to use NextGen, attorneys with individual CM/ECF accounts must have individual PACER accounts.  If you do not have your own PACER account, follow the steps below to register for an account.

  1. Go to
  2. Select Register for an Account.

  3. Select Attorney Filers for CM/ECF.
  4. Click on Register for PACER account.


  1. Complete the Account Information form. Under User Type at the bottom of the form, select FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

  3. Enter Agency Code.

    NOTE: If you do not know your agency code, please contact the PACER Service Center (PSC) at 800-676-6856.

  4. Select a Division from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select a District from the drop-down menu.
  6. Complete User Verification.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Create a Username and Password; and select Security Questions. Click Next when finished.
  1. Read the policies and procedures and acknowledge by checking the box.

  2. Click Submit.

  3. The last screen will thank you for registering with the PACER service center.  This account is just for viewing documents, not for e-filing.  If you already had a CM/ECF account with our court, please follow the instructions for linking your new PACER login with your CM/ECF credentials.

    For questions, please contact PACER at 800-676-6856.

Saving Payment Information for PACER and E-Filing

  1. Login to
  2. Hover over Manage My Account.
  3. Click on Manage My Account Login.
  4. Click on Log in to Manage My Account.
  5. Enter username/password.


  6. Click Login.
  7. Select the Payments tab and then select Manage My Stored Payment Information.
  8. If you need to make changes to the default Payment Information (not required), check/uncheck the box of the appropriate option(s).

    To use the same account for multiple fee types, once account information is entered, click in the box next to one or multiple fee types to designate the entered payment method for that account.

    If you check the box for Autobill PACER fees, you will need to check the box in the PACER Search Fees Auto Billing Acknowledgment
    pop up box; click Submit.

  9. If you need to make changes to the account holder’s name, address and/or credit card expiration date previously stored, click on Update, make the appropriate changes and click Submit to save changes.
  10. If you need to add a Credit Card or ACH Payment, select the appropriate option.
  11. Complete the Add/Update Credit Card Payment or the Add/Update ACH Payment information; click Submit.
    1. Select the link Set e-filing fees default to set the credit card as the default payment for e-filing.

    2. A checkmark will be placed in the box for E-filing fees default.  Click Turn Off link if you do not want to use the default feature.



Filing Agents – Attorneys, Trustees and Office of the U.S. Trustee


PACER Contact Information



Non Attorney Filers

Non-Attorney Filer Information

Court Reporter Information

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Manage My Account at the very top of the page
  3. Login with your upgraded PACER username and password. See instructions for Upgrading Your PACER Account, if necessary.
  4. Click on the Maintenance tab
  5. Select Non-Attorney Admission/E-File Registration
  6. Complete all sections of the E-File Registration section and click Next. Select U.S. Bankruptcy Courts as the Court Type and Eastern District of Virginia as the Court.
  7. Set default payment information if desired (not required). Click Next when finished, or to bypass this screen. You can add a credit card or ACH payment method for each of the following fee types: 

    To use the same account for multiple fee types, once account information is entered, click on the letter(s) on the left to designate the entered payment method to that account. The letter icon will turn from grey to blue once it has been designated an account.

    • P: PACER search fees
    • E: Filing fees
    • A: Admissions/renewal fees
  8. Check the two Non-Attorney E-Filing Terms and Conditions acknowledgment boxes.
  9. Click Submit. The court will review your admission request and provide you with further instructions via email.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I know if I have an upgraded PACER account?

Attorneys can determine if their account is upgraded or not by logging in to PACER. If they click Manage Your Account and look next to Account Type, it will indicate if the account is “Legacy” or “Upgraded”. Upgraded PACER accounts have usernames that are at least 8 characters. You may have upgraded your PACER account recently if you practice before another court that already has migrated to NextGen, such as the Sixth Circuit.  If your username is 6 characters then you do not have an upgraded account. Go to and click on Manage My Account to upgrade your PACER account.


What happens to my CM/ECF account after the court transitions to NextGen?

Since the Court has upgraded to NextGen, you will link your current CM/ECF account to your PACER account. After the accounts are linked, you will no longer use your CM/ECF username or password to file in this Court.


My law firm uses a shared PACER account.  Can we continue to use that account?

Not for e-filing. Each attorney must have an individual PACER account to use for electronic filing in NextGen. The law firm can create a PACER Administrative Account (PAA) to manage the billing for all of the individual accounts. Staff members who share a PACER account for read-only access may continue to share an account.


I linked my account when the Court of Appeals or another District or Bankruptcy Court transitioned to NextGen.  Do I have to link my account again?

Yes, now that the Court is live on NextGen, you must link your PACER account to your Eastern District of Virginia Bankruptcy Court CM/ECF account before you can file in this Court.


How do I notify the court of my address change and primary email address change for my individual upgraded PACER account? 

All addresses and primary email address changes must be requested via  Once you update your information with PACER, the court will be notified by PACER and update the same requested changes. Your Secondary email addresses are the only thing you can change without a request via by logging into CM/ECFClick here for instructions.


NextGen FAQs from e-filers

NextGen FAQs from e-filers


Additional Help

  • For assistance with creating a PACER account, please contact PACER at (800) 676-6856 or visit the PACER website.  
  • For assistance with your current CM/ECF login and password, or linking your account after the court transitions, contact the court at VAEB Web Help.